Story of our Carnations
The carnations we sell were made by Jiao Wang (王娇), a disabled artist we collaborate with. Here is what Jiao would like to say to us. You may find Jiao's Douyin (抖音) and RED (小红书) accounts below to follow her.
To show our support and solidarity with Jiao, we are committed to donating 100% of the revenue from the carnations Wang Jiao makes to her family.
So Far, we have raised
£1200 (by Aug.2024)
for Jiao and her family.
With your support in purchasing Jiao's carnations, we could help her more.
Image used upon her approval
The following story is shared at the artist's own wish.
We translate it on Jiao's behave.
"From my earliest memories, walking was a dream I could never realize, and my world felt confined within the walls of our home. Elementary school was a distant dream; I had to borrow my brother's books to educate myself. For over two decades, I faced the relentless challenges of disability and a harsh life. Then, in 2022, my world shattered when my father received a terminal cancer diagnosis. With limited resources, my mother and I were suddenly thrust into a storm of uncertainty. It was in that moment of darkness that I found my inner strength. Despite my physical limitations, I resolved to shoulder the responsibility for my family.
I embarked on a journey to learn the art of crafting from scratch, hoping to alleviate some of the burdens weighing on my family's shoulders. Initially, it was just about selling these crafts, but as I witnessed each creation come to life beneath my fingertips, a profound sense of accomplishment and newfound vitality surged through me.
Now, as my father continues to require costly medical treatments, I humbly seek your support. With every ounce of my being, I promise to dedicate myself to crafting, not merely as a means to an end but as a tribute to life's beauty. My hope is that I can offer you a brighter day in return. Amidst life's struggles, I remain eternally grateful for the enduring loveliness that surrounds us all."
Jiao's Douyin
Jiao's Red